2018-2019 Midseason Schedule: The CW



8:00 - Arrow
8:00 - DC's Legends of Tomorrow (New Timeslot - Beginning April 1)
9:00 - Black Lightning (New Timeslot - Beginning January 21)
9:00 - Arrow (New Timeslot - Beginning April 15)

Sophomore Black Lightning is on the move to Mondays. Legends of Tomorrow will take an extended hiatus, returning to its Monday night slot once Black Lightning finishes airing its 16-episode season. Then it and Arrow will flip times, for some reason.


8:00 - The Flash
9:00 - Roswell, New Mexico (NEW - Beginning January 15)
9:00 - The 100 (Beginning April 30)

Newbie Roswell, New Mexico, a reboot/reimagining of the 1990s teen soap, gets the cushiest and most hopeful slot The CW has: airing after its highest-rated series on Tuesdays. After its season ends on April 23, The 100's sixth season begins and continues into the summer.


8:00 - Riverdale
9:00 - All American
9:00 - Jane the Virgin (New Timeslot - Beginning March 27)

All American received an additional three episodes for its first season, and once those have all aired, the fifth and final season of Jane the Virgin will air on Wednesday nights.


8:00 - Supernatural
8:00 - iZombie (New Timeslot - Beginning May 2)
9:00 - Legacies
9:00 - In the Dark (NEW - Beginning April 4)

Legacies will also air a 16-episode freshman season, with the new procedural In the Dark set to take over on Thursdays afterward. The final season of iZombie is relegated to summer, taking over for Supernatural in early may.

Friday and Sunday both will be unchanged.
